Therapy for Binge & Disordered Eating & Body Image Concerns

Do you find yourself…

  • Hating your body, focusing on your ‘flaws’ and hoping this next diet will be the one to change your life? Spending lots of time thinking about food, exercise and how you think you ‘should’ be eating? Feeling like a bad person, or a failure if you can’t ‘stick to your diet’?

  • Knowing that your rigid rules around food and exercise keep you from fully enjoying your life, but unsure of how to break ties with these rules?

  • Feeling absolutely done with dieting—and terrified, deeply sad and/or angry, about what that means for you? Wondering if there’s another way forward that leaves you feeling more peaceful, present and able to truly enjoy your food and your relationship with your body—a way to turn down the ‘noise’ in your head around food and exercise choices?

  • Wishing you had a place to process the unique experience of being a larger-bodied person, when you might be surrounded by those in smaller bodies?

  • Struggling to find balance in your life? Realizing you can’t remember the last time you felt rested, joyful or fulfilled? 

  • Saying ‘yes’ to too many things when you’d rather say ‘no’, or when you know you need to say no—leaving you over-scheduled, overwhelmed and resentful?

  • Feeling dissatisfied with your self-care practice—finding that maybe you don’t really know how to take care of yourself, and self-soothe when you need it?

  • Putting on a ‘brave face’ or a mask rather than tell others what you truly think, feel and need? Feeling like you swallow, or push down many of the thoughts and feelings you want to express? 

  • Want to learn more about the Health at Every Size approach, but not sure where to start?

  • Worrying that you’ll pass on your disordered eating patterns and body image issues to your child?

If this sounds like you, I see you, and I’d love to talk about how I can help. Reach out today to schedule your free 20-minute phone consultation with me!