
I help people with anxiety, low self-worth, disordered eating, perfectionism and negative body image find more peace, acceptance, joy and freedom in everyday life.

I practice exclusively via telehealth in Maryland, Virginia and Washington DC.

Scroll down, or click below to learn more about my practice! I’m so glad you are here.

Ah, the confusing pain of feeling like you're not enough, and too much all at once.This is such a tough place to be-and such an understandable one, too.

On the outside, you seem like you have it all ‘together’—you work hard, you’re a good friend, partner, parent, family member. You are probably funny, smart and kind—maybe a people-pleaser, someone who gives a lot of their time and energy to others. Maybe you’re even in a helping profession yourself, believing that your worth is based on how helpful you are to other people, how much you sacrifice for them.

Like most of my clients, though, there’s a lot you keep inside, hidden away. You often feel anxious and overwhelmed. You have trouble standing up for what you want and need—you may even have trouble knowing what it is that you want and need in the first place (which can feel shameful, like, how on earth can I struggle with something so basic?!). You want to feel seen, heard, validated, but you don’t know how to make that happen. You only know you’re tired of hiding, tired of settling for less than you want or know you deserve—tired of feeling resentful, or envious of others who don’t seem to be settling.

You want more from your life. More peace, more authenticity, more pleasure and satisfaction from your daily experiences. More respect and appreciation for your body and all that it does for you. You want to spend less time obsessing over external things that promise happiness and control, but never quite deliver—like a new diet, the next perfect grade or promotion, a cool pair of shoes, a new job.You want a better understanding of who you are and how you’ve come to be. An enhanced ability to self-soothe and meet your own needs, and hopefully get more of your needs met by others, too.

I want more for you, too.

The good news is that the potential for making these important shifts, this ability to make real life changes that align with your values is already within you—even if you don’t believe that just yet. You aren’t broken; you don't need fixing. You might just need someone to help you unlock that potential, to help you see and honor it in yourself, to begin believing you deserve deeper healing. And that's where I come in.

Please see below (or click around) for more information about my areas of specialization, though I also welcome working with more generalized concerns.

I would love to hear from you!

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